Sunday, April 10, 2011

Final roll call class 12

fairy world not working 2

fairy world not working

roll call 1 class 12

Forum Questions

1. Are video games addictive? Does it matter?
There has been no official medical classification that video games are addicting but I believe that many people form soical life styles that make them dependent on video games. It do es matter because some people become socialy awkward and do not know how to interact with other people when their socia life and free time becomes revolved around video games.

2.How fine is the line between being engaged and addicted
I think there is a pretty large line between addicted and engaged. When one is addicted with to something they can not go without doing it or using it everyday. When a person is engaged they can leave what ever they are doing and have no problems doing so.

3. Are there best practices or guides for parents and educators to follow for dealing with compulsive gaming behaviors?
Yes, try keeping their chidren active get them involved in sports and other activies where they ineract with other children.

4.Are there "warning signs" that I should be aware of?
 People with addictions will show changes in bahavior: becoming socially withdrawn (in the real world); excessive amounts of time spent gaming at the expense of social life, sleeping, eating; defensiveness when questioned about their gaming addiction; etc.
5. Are learning games ever considered "addictive" or is it only traditional video games?
Anything can be addictive. However, learning games will not be as active as a traditional video game because once all material is learned the gamer  cant be engaged by the game anymore.
6. What issues or questions should the panel be aware of for the next meeting?
The panel should be aware of the growing child obesity and its correlation to video games

Sunday, April 3, 2011

MY WOW Addiction

 START OF “WoW: My Addiction” TEXT ….............................................
Professor Aaron E. Walsh notes: This was written by "John" in July 2007. John was a student of mine. He was in my Discovering Computer Graphics course at Boston College (, and was much more advanced than the other students. When I asked why he was taking this class, when he clearly had enough experience to take one of my more advanced classes, he explained that he had no choice: he had failed out of school, and was starting over. After we talked  more as the semester went he explained why. I asked him to write it down for future students. Here’s what he wrote in one sitting about why he was “starting over”:

World of Warcraft (WoW): My Addiction

I've played various MMORPG games over the years, some being fairly addicting, some not even catching my interest, but one stands out above the rest as the most addicting and life consuming thing I've ever encountered in my life. You might have guessed it already, but that game is World of Warcraft, a game that I would recommend everyone stays away from.

Like most addictions, it didn't start out that way. It was just harmless fun; I'd log on for a few hours every day and level my character, talk to some friends I had on the game... it was nothing that took me away from other things. I was in high school at the time, and was still managing to get on with my work at first, even though that was a struggle in itself sometimes, and I kept in touch with my friends and saw them regularly.

At first I was surprised at how little interest I had in playing the game for long stints, as I had heard some things about how enticing and gripping the game was, and the first few months were fine, until I started to get near the level cap. Approaching the maximum level I began to play the game more and more, as reaching the end game content opened up a whole new world. I became involved with a hardcore raiding guild, competing to be the best guild on the server, and it all went from there.

The first thing that changed was that I now had raiding times to meet every weekday evening in addition to the gold farming I had to do during the day in order to be able to afford all the potions
and items I needed to raid, and somehow, my guilds progression through the bosses in the game became the most important thing to me in my life, and I slowly started to phase out my friends. At this point I was still going to school, so between the school day and the game, I had no time for anything else.

Contrary to what people might think, I didn't lack a social life at all, even without seeing or talking to any of my friends from school. In fact, it was quite the opposite, I had a whole new group
of friends... in World of Warcraft. Now I didn't even have to leave my room to hang out with my friends, I could just pop on my headset and hang out with them in the game.

Now, to rewind a bit, I remember when I was creeping up on the level cap, and my parents were beginning to get concerned with how much I was playing the game, I kept telling them that it would be all over soon. Heck, even I thought it would! Little did I know, the game would be even more demanding of me after that.

I wanted to be the best, I wanted to have the best items, I wanted to have the most gold. I wanted to be popular with the people on my server, I wanted to be known. I wanted to top the damage meters on every single fight. I don't know why, I can't explain it, but the game was just the most important thing to me, I wanted to do nothing else. I wanted to play every single day all day and night and would do whatever I could to keep myself awake and at the computer. Whatever it took, energy drinks, amphetamines, I would keep myself awake for hours on end, not getting any exercise and rarely leaving the house.

The more and more I played, the more and more things I felt compelled to spend my time doing inside the game. It seems that they create the game in such a way that even though there technically is a way to have the ultimate everything and clear all the bosses etc.. etc...... By the time you get close they add more content to the game to keep you going, its a never ending story. I would pick up my prescription for amphetamines just so I could stay up all night farming items to sell for gold, I wanted to have the best enchantments and to get all the rare random world drops... and so much more. I completely stopped going to school, completely stopped seeing my friends.... and the most worrying fact was that I didn't really care. It just stole my heart and mind from everything else, gave me a false sense that everything was okay and that I wasn't ruining the rest of my life. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't stopped, I had stopped going to school and cut off social contact with everyone but the people I knew in the game, it was like a world within itself. I didn't even want to stop until I had a taste of life without it, a taste that was forced, however. If I hadn't been forced to live somewhere without a computer I don't know what would have happened.

Terra Nova Virtual Reality Interview

The virual reality and Immersive education interview with Proffessor Walsh dives into the recently learning tool of virtual reality. Walsh explains in the interview that Immersive education and virtuality has really grown in the last 10 years to give more options for students to be taught from their computers at home. He also explains in the interview the pros and cons of online learning and that immersive education still is growing.

Walsh explains that not everybody enjoys learning in environment that is face to face or tradition classroom setting. He belives that some stuudents will enjoy learning in a virtual world and will perform better using inline learning tools. However, he also states that online learning is not for everyoine and some students will feel disconnected and much rather prefer the tradition classroom setting to learn.

Nevertheless, virtual realty and online learning is growing rapidly and still in the beginning stages. Walsh states that immersive education is continually trying to expand its online learning tools and capabilies. Walsh also states that there are many schools that have not invested or adopted immersive education as a way to teach some of it classes. He believes that virtual learning has a lot of potential to grow and will become a major of teaching at secondary institutions in the future.

roll call 1 class 11

creating face

modify john

roll call 1 class 10

Sunday, March 20, 2011

final roll call for class nince

World of Warcraft

Could not connect with team to level up had to do it on my own. The game would not load me into the proper relm my team was on.

first roll call class 9

first roll call class 9

Immersive Education Research Library

Your name: Jack Walsh
Your team’s name: Three Wise Men
Research paper title: Andrea Foster
Publication date:
Most current reference (name, link & date of publication):
Paper authors and organizations:
Chronicle of Higher Education
Contact information (email address) for each paper author:
Department chair or dean name and contact info for each author:

Your name:   Jack Walsh
Your team’s name:  Three Wisemen
Research paper title:”Break Through on Teaching and Leaning”
Link to paper:
Publication date: 2011
Most current reference (name, link & date of publication):
Tracy Gray
Paper authors and organizations:
American Institute for Research
Contact information (email address) for each paper author:
Department chair or dean name and contact info for each author:
Your name: Jack Walsh
Your team’s name: Team Wisemen
Research paper title: “Immersive Education
Link to paper:
Publication date: 2011
Most current reference (name, link & date of publication):
Joseph Pstka,
Paper authors and organizations:
U.S. Army Research Institute
Contact information (email address) for each paper author:
Department chair or dean name and contact info for each author: