Sunday, April 10, 2011

Forum Questions

1. Are video games addictive? Does it matter?
There has been no official medical classification that video games are addicting but I believe that many people form soical life styles that make them dependent on video games. It do es matter because some people become socialy awkward and do not know how to interact with other people when their socia life and free time becomes revolved around video games.

2.How fine is the line between being engaged and addicted
I think there is a pretty large line between addicted and engaged. When one is addicted with to something they can not go without doing it or using it everyday. When a person is engaged they can leave what ever they are doing and have no problems doing so.

3. Are there best practices or guides for parents and educators to follow for dealing with compulsive gaming behaviors?
Yes, try keeping their chidren active get them involved in sports and other activies where they ineract with other children.

4.Are there "warning signs" that I should be aware of?
 People with addictions will show changes in bahavior: becoming socially withdrawn (in the real world); excessive amounts of time spent gaming at the expense of social life, sleeping, eating; defensiveness when questioned about their gaming addiction; etc.
5. Are learning games ever considered "addictive" or is it only traditional video games?
Anything can be addictive. However, learning games will not be as active as a traditional video game because once all material is learned the gamer  cant be engaged by the game anymore.
6. What issues or questions should the panel be aware of for the next meeting?
The panel should be aware of the growing child obesity and its correlation to video games

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